Crown of Glory traces its roots back to 2017 when Chioma Omoviye, faced with personal challenges regarding her hair, embarked on a journey of discovery and transformation. Struggling with balding and thinning hair in the crown area, Chioma found herself at a loss for effective solutions. This departure from her once abundant locks from childhood to her twenties was disconcerting, prompting her to turn to her unwavering Christian faith for guidance.
Through prayer and a deep spiritual connection, Chioma felt compelled to explore natural alternatives to rejuvenate and nourish her hair. Experimenting with homemade formulations, she not only found relief for her own hair woes but also sought to create an experience that would redefine "hair day" for her young daughter, to avoid similar hair struggles.
What began as a personal endeavor soon blossomed into a business when Chioma's creations garnered attention beyond her immediate circle. After witnessing the transformation in her daughter's friend's hair during a sleepover, Chioma's innovative products sparked a demand that couldn't be ignored. With encouragement and support from those around her, Crown of Glory emerged as a beacon of hope for those seeking natural hair care solutions.
Driven by a desire to empower individuals to embrace their natural beauty, Crown of Glory has since expanded its offerings to include skincare products, such as body scrubs and lotions, alongside exquisite home perfumery crafted from essential oils and fragrance oils. Each product is carefully curated to envelop you in a luxurious sensory experience, transforming not just your appearance but also the ambiance of your surroundings.
As a testament to Chioma's own journey of transformation, Crown of Glory continues to stand as a symbol of empowerment, offering a range of products that celebrate the innate beauty of every individual.